50p from every box sold will be donated to Suffolk Mind charity.

Brownies and BBC Radio Suffolk

On Wednesday afternoon of last week, I received a phone call from the production crew at BBC Radio Suffolk. They called to ask if we’d like to come in and chat about our brownies! Naturally we jumped at the chance and after a very busy day with deliveries, I headed down to Ipswich to have a chat with Sarah Lilley (the presenter).


Some of you may already know that I had a background in TV and film, so the set-up was a very familiar sight. That said, of course I was as nervous as hell! I had previously filled out a questionnaire with some information about the business and my background, but you still never know what you might be asked!


I’d arrived fairly early as I wanted to get some photos of our brownies. This gave me a good opportunity to have a nose about! All of the staff were absolutely lovely and VERY excited about the prospect of our brownies.



Sarah (the presenter) ushered me and the brownies into the BBC Radio Suffolk studio. The smell wafting out of the box was very hard to resist. Amazingly, for once, I managed to control myself! After a brief song, it was my time to speak. Sarah asked me lots of questions about appearing on Escape to the Country. She also asked where I grew up and lots of questions about our brownies. I explained to her that we had two sides to our business, one is the e-commerce side, where our lovely customers can purchase through our website. The other side of our business is the wholesale area. I told her that we sell a wide range of baked goods (soon to add confectionary in there too) all over the UK via our wholesale business.


Let’s get down to the brownies!


We thought it was best to bring one of our MEGA Boxes down to the studio for the team to try! I took Sarah through all of the different flavours she had in her brownie box and she was salivating! There was Triple Chocolate, Star Wing Porter, Passionfruit, Salted Caramel and Pecan, Mini Egg Brookie, Strawberry Shortcake and Caramelised White Chocolate and Almonds. What a line up!


My time with Sarah was divided into 3 parts where we spoke for about 6 minutes about each subject. It was such good fun and the time flew! It’s always fun to look back at our achievements so far. And it’s lovely to talk to people who’re not familiar with your brand.


If you’re interested in hearing the interview in full, please head to BBC Radio Suffolk on BBC Sounds to listen.


To find out more about our business and how we got started, please click here.

Pudsey Bear is waving in the background of Studio 1 at BBC Radio Suffolk. Sarah Lilley the presenter is behind the mixing desk with a large box of brownies. She's smiling.