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Brownies by Royal Mail- Well that was a busy week!

We’re not going to lie. It has been a really tough time for small businesses recently. This year we’ve had petrol shortages, extra bank holidays, extreme heat, a fuel crisis and we’re all still getting over a global pandemic. What else can you through at us? Strikes! We send our brownies by Royal Mail as we see them to be head and shoulders above the rest of the courier companies, but sadly, things don’t always go to plan!


One question we get asked a lot is: “why don’t you use another company to deliver during the strikes”. Good question. The real truth is that a. a lot of companies are refusing to take on more customers and b. even if your parcel does get taken, it’s no guarantee it will get there any faster than Royal Mail.


When one company goes down, the others have to compensate. Royal Mail leaves a HUGE void to fill if they’re not operating every day. It’s simply impossible to expect the other courier companies to be able to pick up the slack.


We 100% back anyone’s right to strike, but at this time of the year, it’s the small companies like us that have the price to pay, when the likes of Amazon only get bigger. In order to be able to work around the strikes, we have pulled all of our outstanding orders forward. We have worked day and night and bought in tons of staff to be able to fulfil these orders. The only way we could make it work was to do a month’s worth of work in a couple of days. Sadly, we don’t earn any more money for it. We are worse off as we’ve had to get staff in to help us, but the most important thing is that the orders get out on time!


We love our Posties!

Don’t get us wrong, we have a fantastic relationship with our Royal Mail staff. They have each gone above and beyond the call of duty to help us. Some have been taking calls out of hours, on weekends and days off. Others have come in on their days off to help with the volume we’re sending out on our posting days. We couldn’t have possibly asked for any more. It’s just such a sad state of affairs that there has so far been no resolution to the disputes.


We will continue to send our brownies by Royal Mail as we still think they off the best service.  We wish all the staff a peaceful Christmas and hope for resolution in the New Year!


If you’d like to send our brownies to loved ones across the UK, please check out our shop here!

Brownies waiting for Royal Mail. Luke and Charlotte (founders) are also in the photo with a pile of Royal Mail sacks in the background.