50p from every box sold will be donated to Suffolk Mind charity.

Happy Workiversary Super Sue

Our chief “brownie box packer extraordinaire (and much more)” is celebrating two years at our Suffolk family bakery!

Super Sue joined us 2 years ago and has been like family to us ever since! I scoured high and low to find someone to join our family bakery back in 2021. It didn’t get us very far. We were looking for someone very unique, with a specific skillset and that would fit in to our family dynamic perfectly.


At the time we were only making brownies from our Suffolk bakery, but we knew we wanted to expand our range. We were completely at capacity with what we could produce and needed help. There were various government schemes available to help rebuild businesses after the pandemic, but none of them were quite the right fit.


Fast forward to 2022 and our family bakery too a very different turn. We were asked to create cakes for wholesale, and that changed everything. The hunt for a new team member was imminent, but we didn’t want to rush.


A friend of the business met Sue and knew immediately that she was the one. She got in touch. I read her CV and got her in straight away. As soon as I saw her, I knew she was the perfect fit.


She’s so much fun to work with, she keeps Bean Daddy on his toes, of course she likes a little shimmy every now and then and we wouldn’t be without her!

Congratulations Sue, we’re so lucky to have you! Here’s to many more fabulous years xxx


To find out more about our Suffolk family bakery and how we got started, please click here.

Super Sue smiling whilst chopping brownies. The title reads Happy Anniversary in bubbly balloon style writing.