50p from every box sold will be donated to Suffolk Mind charity.

Update on our brownie boxes

It absolutely pains us to say it, but we’ve had to increase the price of our brownie boxes. Over the last couple of years, our packaging costs have increased by 150%, our ingredients have dramatically risen, not to mention our energy, delivery costs (this increases annually in January) and also the minimum wage has increased. We have absorbed these costs for so long and are now at the point where we have to charge more.


We’re not in this for the money (far from it), we LOVE what we do and have such a passion for connecting with you and creating tasty, exciting treats. We’ve increased the price of our small brownie boxes by 10%, which works out at 33p extra per brownie. All our cakes are handcrafted and we use the finest, local ingredients because this is SO important to us.

As always, our newsletter subscribers always have first access to our special offers, so please make sure you’ve signed up, to make sure you don’t miss out.


We really hope you understand our position and support our decision. We are so thankful for the kindness and love you’ve shown us on our journey xx


To shop our brownie range, please click here.

Luke and Charlotte Giddings, the owners of Brownie and the Bean are smiling. Luke is wearing a black jacket and Charlotte is wearing a bright pink coat.