50p from every box sold will be donated to Suffolk Mind charity.

We’ve got some news for you!

🚛 Something super exciting happened this week…

We only went and bought our first van!

Oh yes we did! It was such an emotional moment for me.
Just under 5 years ago when we began this journey, owning a bakery wasn’t even on our radar. It’s amazing the twists and turns that life can take, but isn’t that what keeps things interesting?
We were absolutely terrified of venturing into cakes as we were determined to remain a brownie bakery. Luckily for us we had a guardian angel watching out for us that gave us the confidence to begin building a range.
I remember our first wholesale cake deliveries so well as it was also the day I started my Mini MBA at the University of Suffolk. I was absolutely sick with nerves. That one action started a whole new direction for our business and we will forever be so grateful that we were given a nudge 😇.
Today we have a large range of cakes available to our wholesale customers and it feels like it was always meant to be.
The universe works in mysterious ways, but we love it!
Charlotte the co-founder of Brownie and the Bean in front of her new white van before heading out to their wholesale cake deliveries. She is smiling and wearing a black puffer jacket.