50p from every box sold will be donated to Suffolk Mind charity.

Want to show some a small business some love?

Owning a small business is an incredibly rewarding journey filled with SO MUCH excitement, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges and moments of uncertainty! We’re very aware that times can be tough for many, and we believe in the power of supporting small businesses without even having to open your wallet.

A close up of Bean Daddy in the Brownie and the Bean kitchen. He has a large silver mixing bowl and is using a handheld whisk. He is wearing black chef's whites with the Brownie and the Bean logo and he also has a black cap with the Brownie and the Bean logo on.

Here are some simple yet impactful ways to champion your favourite small businesses:

1. Spread the love with reviews!

Your kind words hold immense value for small businesses. Sharing a glowing review on platforms like Google or their website not only warms their hearts but also lets others about your fabulous experience with them. These reviews help build trust and draw in new customers.

2. Like, comment, and share their social media post.

Small businesses can benefit immensely from a boost on social platforms. Liking their posts, leaving comments, and sharing their content can make a world of difference. Your active engagement expands their reach, which creates a  supportive community.

3. Stay in the know.

Keep up with their latest updates by subscribing to their newsletters. This shows your genuine interest and keeps you in the loop regarding exciting news, special offers, and new products. It’s a simple yet effective way to show your support.

4. Be an advocate!

Share the love for your favourite small businesses with your friends and family. Your recommendations hold weight, and you might introduce them to something they’ll love just as much. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved!

5. Buy from them when you can.

When the time is right, consider making a purchase. Whether it’s a yummy treat, a unique craft, or a special service, your support is a lifeline for these businesses. It helps keep their dreams alive!

Remember, it only takes a few minutes to make a big impact. Your support means the world to small business owners who pour their hearts into their work. Each review, like, share, and recommendation brings smiles and motivates them to keep going.

Take this as your sign to spend five minutes today supporting some of your favourite small businesses. You have no idea how much they’ll appreciate it!

As always, from all of us at Brownie and the Bean HQ, we can’t thank you enough for all of the incredible support you show us week in, week out.

We wouldn’t be where we are today without YOU!

Here’s to supporting small businesses!

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and stay in the loop with brownie gifts, ideas, offers, giveaways and more!
A close up of Bean Daddy in the Brownie and the Bean kitchen. He has a large silver mixing bowl and is using a handheld whisk. He is wearing black chef's whites with the Brownie and the Bean logo and he also has a black cap with the Brownie and the Bean logo on.