50p from every box sold will be donated to Suffolk Mind charity.

Easter brownies and blondies are about to head into hibernation

???? Darlings, listen up! ???? We’ve got some seriously shocking news about our Easter brownies and blondies!!!

As we leave the April celebrations behind, that means it is time to say goodbye to some of our seasonal favourites! Devastating, we know!

So, which tasty treats will be leaving us?

????Mini Egg Brookie
????Creme Egg Brownie
????Salted Caramel Cookie Dough
????Hot Cross Bun Blondie

If you still haven’t got your hands on any of these flavours and you want to give them a try then make sure you get your orders in pronto!

While you technically have until Friday to place an order, keep in mind that certain flavours might sell out fast and we might have to stop taking orders earlier than that.

Can anyone else hardly believe that Easter has been and gone for another year? ???? It seems to fly by quicker and quicker as the month’s move on. Speaking of time flying…

More festivities ahead calls for more chocolate brownies…

If you love any excuse to celebrate, you’re in luck! After we’ve said goodbye to our Easter brownies and blondies, we will be saying “hello” to our Coronation collection. We’ve got Coronation brownies, a Best of British Box and we’ve also got our all new Afternoon Tea by post. Pretty much everything you could possibly need to make your coronation celebrations unforgettable!


If you’re looking even further ahead, we have a dedicated page for Father’s Day brownies too. Be sure to select 15th June as your dispatch date to make sure they arrive on time.


As always, if there’s something you’d like to see on our website that we don’t already have, get in touch. You can also email us via info@brownieandthebean.com or give us a call on 01379 452 195. We love hearing your suggestions!

Our chocolate Mini Egg Brookie Easter brownies by post are on a brown background. There are two square shaped brownies with mini egg dust coated on them. There are mini eggs dotted around in pastel shades: yellow, white, pink and purple.