50p from every box sold will be donated to Suffolk Mind charity.

Wholesale brownies by post (and much more)

We hit a HUGE milestone this week here at BATB HQ. Our wholesale brownies were sent by post to bonny Scotland! We’ve been posting to Scotland with the online brownies since the beginning, however, this is the first time we’ve ever sent our wholesale brownies this far.


As if by magic, everything worked like clockwork. The brownies arrived at their destination less than 24 hours after sending. We send everything via Royal Mail Track24 and it did us proud!


We are so incredibly pleased to know that our wholesale brownies are going this far afield. I worked out that it was almost 500 miles from BATB HQ (I’m sure there’s a song in that)! The cafe that ordered from us had our Custard Cream Blondies, Bueno Vista Brownies and Triple Chocolate Brownies. With a new customer, we always like to start off with flavours that we know will be crowd pleasers.


Over the coming few weeks, we are very pleased to announce that we will also be popping up in a few other cafes across the East of England. We literally can’t believe that 3 years in to our baking journey, we are doing far beyond we could ever have dreamed. Our wholesale cake range has grown dramatically over the last year and it feels like an enormous achievement for our business.

Get in touch!


There are lots of ways that we serve people with our wholesale cakes and sweet treats. Some people take our cakes/ brownies individually wrapped, others have whole cakes delivered and portion themselves. We work really hard with businesses on an individual basis to draw up the perfect menu for their brand. If you’d like to know more about our wholesale brownies by post, please get in touch to discuss your requirements. You can send an email to info@brownieandthebean.com. Or feel free to call us on 01379 452 195. We also have a dedicated page on our website explaining more about our wholesale business.



Lots of wholesale brownies by post individually wrapped