Brownie and the Bean on the BBC? No way José! I’ve been debating on whether or not to post this, but I feel like I’m doing my fellow small businesses an injustice by not highlighting the pressures we’re under as our busiest period approaches.
The BBC reported in August this year that the price of cocoa has risen by 300% from April 2023. According to my source, the reason that white and milk chocolate have risen higher than dark chocolate is because there are more processes involved in extracting the the cocoa butter from the bean and they’d rather make a quick buck from dark chocolate than go through the processing.
We have an amazing wholesaler who has sleepless nights fighting to get us the best prices across our raw ingredients, but the truth of the matter is; everything has increased by a huge amount across the board.
All of us small businesses need your support more than ever right now…
Small businesses are under enormous pressure to stay open. I can’t speak for the masses, but as I said in the clip, we are genuinely in this to make delicious cakes and make people smile. We’ve never had ambitions to be the biggest company in the world. We love who we work with (our team, wholesale customers and suppliers), we love interacting with you and hearing about how we’ve made you or your loved ones day. We just want to be able to continue to do this.
With Black Friday approaching, it is impossible for us to compete with the likes of the big businesses that can afford to offer huge discounts. We simply don’t have the buying power to offer discounts and we really can’t afford to lose any more money.
This Black Friday, we would really love to use our platform for good. Rather than offer discounts that we can’t afford, we are going to be donating 50p per box sold that weekend to a local charity @SuffolkMind. As small business owners, we’re very aware of how fragile mental health can be in these challenging times. So it seems fitting to use this period of time for good (more information to follow).
There are so many ways that you can support small businesses- like, sharing and commenting on posts. Sending recommendations to loved ones who may be interested in their product.
Thank you (as always) for being small business champions. We wouldn’t be here without you 🤎!
Want to find out more about our small family business? Click here.