50p from every box sold will be donated to Suffolk Mind charity.


Sometimes you have to just look back and say “wow”!
I can’t believe how much we’ve packed into the last year. Not going to lie… there were times when it seemed impossible to conceive what our 5th year of business would look like. Boy, have we had some ups and downs along the way: the pandemic, Royal Mail strikes, electricity hikes, ingredients hikes, cardboard shortage, petrol crisis (any others I’ve missed there?)…
Throughout this time, we’ve always stayed true to our values- handcrafted, quality bakes, made in small quantities, using the finest ingredients (locally sourced where possible). However tough things get, there’s absolutely no compromise on quality- only the best will do for the Brownie and the Bean customers.
We’ve just come back from working 2 HUGE festivals almost back to back and the me of 12 years ago would have been blown away to think that this would be the future.
There are still a few more festivals to come later on this year, but we’re really gearing up now for our Christmas gifting season.
I know it sounds crazy talking about Christmas when we’ve only just dusted off the BBQ, but for lots of business owners, the summer is consumed by getting your elves in a row 🤣!
We wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for your referrals, reviews and your continued support. Without you, we wouldn’t have a business. It brings us so much joy to hear how our cakes and bakes have connected you to loved ones across the country. It really means the world.
Peace and love,
Mama Bean and Bean Daddy
handcrafted quality bakes on sale at the Brownie and the Bean counter. Photo taken at the Gone Wild with Bear Grylls Festival