50p from every box sold will be donated to Suffolk Mind charity.

Keto brownies

We have had a crazy amount of requests for Keto Brownies, so we thought it was about time we gave it a go!

It was all going SO well! Check out Bean Daddy making our keto brownies in this reel here on instagram!

I know, it looks great and everything seemed so promising until… We ate it. They can’t all be winners, that is true. Unfortunately for us, this was a disaster. Substituting sugar for substitutes did not work at all for us. We found that the sugar substitute almost tasted like a sherbet (once put into our brownie batter).

Although we had a very disappointing first try, Bean Daddy was not deterred. He went straight back to the drawing board and did a ton more research. After looking at all of the many recipes online, he took the brave decision to buck the trend!

Go Bean Daddy GO!

He decided that re-creating a brownie in keto form was a no-goer. In our baking, we try to stick to the most natural products we can find. We HATE the idea of using any additives, it’s just not for us. So he decided to turn his attention away from keto brownies and look at making a keto bar!

This turned out to be an excellent idea, because what he created was nothing short of GENIUS! His keto bar creation tasted like a Ferrero Rocher, in a bar format! Who doesn’t LOVE Ferrero Rocher?

If demand is big enough, you may see this on our website for sale! We would love to give this a shot, maybe once a month? As always, you can tell us your thoughts by emailing us info@brownieandthebean.com, or giving us a call– we’d love to hear what you have to say!

If you’d like to check out all of the delicious brownies we have on offer, please shop here.

Charlotte (co founder) has her wrist in shot. She has a black top on which is slightly visible. She is holding one of their keto brownies in the air, against a pink background.