50p from every box sold will be donated to Suffolk Mind charity.

Did you know that we supply wholesale cakes?

Not many people know this but…


We don’t just supply letterbox brownies with free next day delivery. No M’am! Did you know that we also supply wholesale cakes for cafe’s and other retail outlets? We have a large range of wholesale cakes, bakes and brownies which we deliver UK wide!


Whether it’s cheese scones, red velvet sponge, triple chocolate brownies or lemon drizzle cake you’re after, we’ve got your back. Bean Daddy has created a magnificent range of bakes and cakes to delight everyone’s tastes. As always, he uses his family’s secret recipes and traditional methods to bring you high quality, delicious treats!


We use only the finest ingredients as we believe it makes all the difference. It’s also worth noting that we make all our own jams, shortbread, caramel, honeycomb, fudge and so much more!


Bean Daddy likes to work with the seasons and with the bakery setting in the beautiful Suffolk countryside, it’s easy to do so! We source our eggs from the nearest farm, our flour is made with Norfolk grown wheat. Our sugar comes from just up the road in Bury St Edmunds. Our chocolate is ethically sourced and produced in the UK. Wherever we get the opportunity, we also forage for ingredients. The blackberries and apples in our autumnal blondie of 2022 were all foraged locally by the Brownie and the Bean crew!

How did we get into selling wholesale cakes?


We started to supply wholesale cakes at the same time we began selling brownie boxes online (back in 2020). The wholesale cake business has gone from strength to strength since lockdown has opened up and has become the main focus of our business.

If you’d like to enquire about wholesale cake supply, please email us info@brownieandthebean.com or give us a call 01379 452 195. We love to chat! You can also find out more about our wholesale business by heading to the page on our website.

Photo by Sophia Goodwin photography
Lemon drizzle cake sliced on a glass plate