50p from every box sold will be donated to Suffolk Mind charity.

My appearance on BBC Radio Norfolk talking all things brownies!

On Wednesday I received a very exciting call from BBC Radio Norfolk. They were looking to speak to a Norfolk based brownie company about National Brownie Day. Being the Queen of all things brownies, how could I resist?


On the Thursday morning, I was called at about 9.15am by a very lovely chap named Jack. He talked me through what was going to happen and then I waited online to be put through to the studio!

The interview!

I was being interviewed by Anna Perrott who was standing in for Chris Goreham on his regular slot. Anna was utterly delightful and really made me laugh! We talked about all things brownies and I also told her how we ended up as border straddlers in the Norfolk/ Suffolk countryside. I hadn’t previously mentioned that we’d originally appeared on Escape to the Country, so they were very excited when I told them.


We had a bit of background about how the brownie came to be and then delved straight into the interview. I was asked what makes a good brownie. For me that’s easy, I told them it’s all about using the best ingredients. Our brownies are made from wheat grown in Norfolk, our sugar comes from Bury St Edmunds and our eggs come from our local farm. Our chocolate is a very decadent brand. It’s ethically sourced and produced in Britain. We truly believe that excellent quality chocolate is the foundation of fabulous brownies.


The question I get asked the most from our customers is: can we have the recipe? But even if we did give away our secret family recipe, there are so many other factors that create our signature flavour! Ingredients being the most important, but also ovens and tins, mixing times all play an important role.


Anna described me as “beautifully bonkers”, which I guess is rather accurate! It was fabulous taking part in the show. We always find it fun interactive with people and discussing something we’re really passionate about: brownies! I was very happy to fly the flag for Norfolk brownies and will continue to do so!

Check us out!

If you’d like to hear more about my interview on BBC Radio Norfolk, you can listen here. Alternatively, if you’d like to found out more about our brownies and what seasonal varieties we have this month, please click here!

BBC Radio Norfolk on the BBC Sounds app. Charlotte appeared on the show to discuss brownies.