50p from every box sold will be donated to Suffolk Mind charity.

Bakery life update: Christmas brownies and beyond!

Believe it or not, the Christmas prep actually starts in late spring every year. We always try to work 9 months to a year ahead on flavours. It takes an enormous amount of work to get to the point where we’ve chosen our flavours.  It’s crazy to think that whilst most people are tucking into their Easter eggs, we’re knee deep in cinnamon, cranberries, hazelnuts and other yummy ingredients. This year, we’ve spent most months working on our Christmas brownies.


We start taking corporate orders in early summer and have to start planning the logistics. There is SO much packaging to order. We also need to find space to house it. The conditions for keeping our packaging have to be perfect, otherwise labels un-peel, adhesive comes unstuck and corners start curling.


Wherever possible, all our packaging is either compostable or recyclable. We also try to use as little as possible. That said, when you’re sending out thousands of boxes a week during the festive period, things can add up!


This year, we decided to really change up our Christmas brownies the December Mixed Box. In previous years we’ve had a December Mixed Box, a Christmas Box and a Triple Chocolate Christmas Box, but this year, we’ve decided to have just one Mixed Box to sit alongside the Triple Chocolate Box.


Right now, we’re busy making hundreds and hundreds of box of fudge for Christmas Hampers. We also handcrafted hundreds of portions of Christmas Cake for retail outlets and to go in our Christmas Hampers.


Working so far in advance can sometimes make you feel like you’re in a time warp, but thankfully we lovely eating cake! There’s also a very trusty line up of family and friends that are also happy to “help out” wherever they can!


Have you checked out our range of Christmas brownies and gifts?


It’s never too early to get ahead on Christmas gifting! if you’d like to see what yummy treats we have lined up for 2022, please click here.

Bean Daddy is in a festive jumper with a Santa hat on. There's a Christmas tree in the background and he is chopping up Christmas brownies.