50p from every box sold will be donated to Suffolk Mind charity.

How did we get into selling wholesale cakes and bakes?

How did we get start supplying wholesale cakes and bakes? Well, our wholesale journey began back at the start of lockdown.

I was out and about delivering our doorstep brownies in Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Essex one day and popped into a Post Office to ask for directions. The post office in question (Garboldisham Village Stores) was so incredibly helpful, I dashed back to the car to get them a box of brownies as a thank you!

I’d barely pulled out of the carpark and received a message from the Post Office asking if they could stock us! I was on cloud nine! We’d had a seriously tough start to the year and this news was just what we needed…


Lemon drizzle cake on a glass with lemon rind shavings and sugar on the top.


What did we do next?


Panicked… hahaha! Where do we start? What do we do? How do we present the brownies? How much should we charge?


Luke (thankfully) had experience of running a wholesale business and was able to put that into practice. We arranged a delivery date with the post office and every single Friday since that day (back in April 2020) we have delivered to this customer.


As the months progressed, we picked up more and more customers along the way. Our customer base during lockdown ranged from pubs to farm shops. However sadly, there were also a lot of businesses that didn’t make it out the other end of the pandemic.


Wholesale Cakes and Bakes: 2022 and Beyond…


This year we decided to expand our wholesale offering and have worked so hard on our recipes. It’s crazy to think that only a year ago, brownies were still the only item available to buy.


Fast forward to 2022 and we now have a large range of wholesale cakes, bakes and retail products available to order.


From Cheese Scones, to Hot Chocolate Stirrers and Coffee and Walnut Cake… we’ve just about got everything covered! If you’d like to find out more about our cake range, or are interested in stocking our products, please give us a call on this number, or send us a message via the form below. We’d love to hear from you!


Close up of a slice of Christmas Cake on a plate