50p from every box sold will be donated to Suffolk Mind charity.

5 Gift ideas perfect for Teachers!

Gift ideas for teachers!


Here at Brownie and the Bean, we like to make your life easier! You can order up to 2pm the day before, for free next day delivery and you can even send the gift directly to the school. So here are our suggestions for gifting teachers!


  1. First up is our Coffee/ Tea brownie combinations! This is a great combination for break times and can also be shared amongst the rest of the staff room. Our artisan tea and coffee comes courtesy of Butterworth & Son. You can also choose your beans, so whether you’d like a whole bean decaf or ground caffeinated bean, we’ve got ya!Coffee Brownie boxes on a white background with coffee beans
  2. Next up our Mini Mixed Box is probably a good idea if you’re looking to gift one person something to take home. Ideally, these would be great for teaching assistants/ wider staff that you’re looking to give a small gesture to.4 white chocolate and pistachio blondies on a dark background with additional white chocolate buttons and pistachios scattered across the page
  3. One of the favourite gifts in our range is our Create Your Own Box. This box comes with 6 brownies and you can choose every flavour. Add to that a gift note and you have yourself a lovely personalised gift!

6 brownies on a baking grid, on a marble background

4.  Best for sharing has to be The Fudging MEGA Box! It comes with 16 of our best ever brownies from the Mixed Box range and a box of our fudge. It has a great deal of variety and looks really spectacular! The Fudging MEGA Box comes with a greetings card too, so we’ve really thought of everything.

Fudge and Brownie Box Gift hamper with brownies and fudge on a bright coloured background

5.  Another fabulous gift idea for teachers is our classic Triple Chocolate brownie slab! This is also a great sharer as it comes as a whole brownie slab and people can cut off their portion size (or just dive in head first if they choose too)! Our Triple Chocolate brownie slab is made without gluten, so it’s a good option if you’re unsure of food intolerances.

Triple Chocolate Brownie slab on branded greaseproof with a greetings card and the corner of a gift wrapped box.

IMPORTANT: If you have any concerns at all about food intolerances, please drop us an email at info@brownieandthebean.com and we will talk you through our baking processes and practices. We handle all allergens in the baking environment, so our products aren’t suitable for people with severe allergies.

TOP TIP: Remember to add a gift note at checkout. Some of our products come with greetings cards, but if you’d like to send something generic, or a thank you card, we have a small selection available on our website.

To find out more about our business and how we got started, please click here.

Gift boxes containing brownies, a Coffee pouch and whole coffee beans on a white background.