50p from every box sold will be donated to Suffolk Mind charity.

Letterbox brownies and beyond!

Two years ago, our letterbox brownies had taken off…

But we were running out of space in our family kitchen to house all of the supplies. That’s when we had the idea for the Bean Bunker!


It’s amazing to think that only 2 years ago, I was still around the length and breadth of East Anglia (and Cambridge) delivering our brownies in person. It was an enormous pressure on both Luke and myself, because not only were the kids at home all day due to lockdown, but even our generous sized family kitchen was being pushed to its limits as space was a premium. 

In August 2020, we got our local builders in to renovate our double garage into a storage room for all of our stock and refrigerators. It was a HUGE task but we had to get phase 1 completed before the winter rush started.


Phase 2 (the dream) was to eventually turn the storage room into a bakery. Thankfully when we bought our house, there were plans to turn the double garage into a kitchen, so it was relatively easy to visualise the finished product.

Bob the Builder- yes he can!

At the start of 2021, we were still only producing our letterbox brownies for delivery across the UK, but we knew we wanted to expand, and this is where phase 2 kicked in! We engaged our local kitchen designers that we’d used before and created the bakery of dreams! 


Bob the Builder (yes that’s his real name), started working on our bakery in June 2021, and completed within a month. The bakery included an office space for me and plenty of storage for our ever growing stock. The first thing we made sure to get up and running was our electric disco ball! I mean, what sort of bakery doesn’t have a rotating disco ball?


About 6 months after the bakery was complete, Bean Daddy had to relegate my office to another area of the house (sob sob)! But it’s for very good reason! We have since expanded our offering to include not just brownies by post, but fudge, cakes and a variety of other bakes.


We are so proud of where we’ve come from and where we are now. Who knows where we will end up in 6 months from now!


If you’d like to check out the current brownies and sweet treats we have available, please head here.


To find out more about our business and how we got started, please click here.

A shell interior with exposed breeze blocks and a man kneeling on the floor working on the project. You can see three panels of windows and a cavity for a door. The image features a very untidy room and some electrical equipment and tools. This is where we now bake our letterbox brownies from.